
Scientific Manuscripts

  1. Current challenges and future directions for engineering extracellular vesicles for heart, lung, blood and sleep diseases. Journal of extracellular vesicles, (2023) 12(2), 12305. G Li, T Chen, J Dahlman, L Eniola‐Adefeso, IC Ghiran, P Kurre,. ND Walker, ..  and P Sundd.

  2. Volumetric microscopy of CD9 and CD63 reveals distinct subpopulations and novel structures of extracellular vesicles in situ in triple negative breast cancer cells. bioRxiv. doi: (2022). ED White, ND Walker, H Yi, AR Dinner, NF Scherer, and MR Rosner.

  3. Surveying the experience of postdocs in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Elife. 2022 Jul 26;11: e75705. doi: 10.7554/eLife.75705. A Morin, BA Heling, S Krishnan, LE Risner, ND Walker, and Schwartz, NB.

  4. Tumor Extracellular Vesicles Regulate Macrophage Driven Metastasis through CCL5. Cancers (Basel). 2021 July 10;13(14):3459. doi:10.3390. DC Rabe, ND Walker, FD Rustandy, J Lee & MR Rosner.

  5. Cycling quiescence in temozolomide resistant glioblastoma cells is partly explained by microRNA-93 and 193 mediated decreased of cyclin D.   Front. Pharmacol., section Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics.  22 February 2019.  JL Munoz, ND Walker, SJ Greco & P Rameshwar.

  6. Exosomes from differentially activated macrophage influence dormancy or resurgence of breast cancer cell within the bone marrow stroma.  Cell Death Dis. 2019; 59 (10). ND Walker, M Elias, K Guiro, R Bhatia, SJ Greco, M Bryan, NM Ponzio, SJ Leibovich & P Rameshwar.

  7. Steroid-associated decrease in blood mesenchymal stem cells in liver transplant: Effects on long-term liver health. Stem Cell Rev Reports2017;13(5):644-658. ND Walker, Y Mourad,  K Liu, M Buxhoeveden, C Schoenberg, JD Eloy, DJ Wilson, LG Brown, A Botea A F Chaudry, SJ Greco, B Koneru, Y Gubenko, & P. Rameshwar.

  8. Temozolomide competes for P-glycoprotein to impart chemoresistance in glioblastoma cells. Cancer Lett 2015;367(1):69-75.  *share first co-authorship as both contributed equally to the article. JL Munoz, ND Walker, SJ Greco & P Rameshwar.

  9. Quantification of circulating D-dimer by peptide immunoaffinity enrichment and tandem mass spectrometry. Analy Chem 2012; 84 (15): 6891-6898. W Wang W, ND Walker, Z Chen.

  10. Measuring H218O Tracer Incorporation on a QQQ-MS Platform Provides a Rapid, Transferable Screening Tool for Relative Protein Synthesis.  J Proteome Res 2012;11(3):1591–1597. JP Conway, DG Johns, S-P Wang, ND Walker, TA McAvoy, H Zhou, X Zhao, SF Previs, TP Roddy, BK Hubbard BK, NA Yates & RC Hendrickson.

  11. Measurement of Fractional Synthetic Rates of Multiple Protein Analytes by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry. AYH Lee, NA Yates, M Ichetovkin, E Deyonva, K Southwick, TS Fischer, W Wang, ND Walker, H Zhou, X Zao, CP Sparow, D Rader, JS Millar,  RC & Hendrickson. Measurement of Fractional Synthetic Rates of Multiple Protein Analytes by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry.  Clin Chem 2012; 58:3.

Review Manuscripts

  1. Forging New Therapeutic Targets: Efforts of Tumor Derived Exosomes to Prepare the Pre-Metastatic Niche for Cancer Cell Dissemination and Dormancy. Biomedicines, 11(6), 1614. R Bhatia, J Chang, JL Munoz & ND Walker.

  2. Non-coding RNA as mediators in microenvironment–breast cancer cell communication.  Cancer Lett 2016 Sep 28;380(1):289-95.  JS Patel, M Hu, G Sinha, ND Walker, LS Sherman, A Gallagher, P Rameshwar.

  3. The bone marrow niche in support of breast cancer dormancy. Cancer Lett 2015; S0304-3835(15)00664-ND Walker, J Patel, JL Munoz, M Hu, K Guiro, G Sinha, & P Rameshwar.

  4. Nahas GR., Walker ND., Rameshwar P. A perspective of immune therapy for breast cancer: Lessons learnt and forward directions. Breast Cancer: Basic Clin Res. 2015; 9(Suppl2):35-43. doi: 10.4137/BCBCR.S29425.  GR Nahas, ND Walker, & P. Rameshwar.

  5. Munoz, JL., Rodriguez-Cruz, V., Walker, ND, Greco, SJ and Rameshwar, P., Temozolomide resistance and tumor recurrence: Halting the Hedgehog. Cancer Cell & Microenvironment 2015. JL Munoz, V Rodriguez-Cruz,  ND Walker, SJ Greco & P. Rameshwar.

 Book Chapters

  1. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells as Tumor Stromal Modulators. 1st Edition. 2016, p. 425-447. Walker ND, Nahas GR, Munoz J, Lucas J, Pobiarzyn P, Rameshwar, P


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